Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park August 2010

Our next adventure took us to Grand Canyon National Park.  Dave and I have been "planning" to do this trip ever since we have been together.  Our goal:  Hike the entire Kaibab Trail (Rim to Rim). These pictures are our first views of the canyon and a preview to our hike.

My first impression...."It looks so fake!" Yeah, I said that.  Turns out, its awesomeness is real!
First tourist stop: The Watch Tower. 
A view from the Watch Tower
The grayish colors in this photo are actually green..several different shades of green.  Needless to say, both of us were a little surprised to see so much of that color in the canyon. 
Dave has to see the sunrises and sunsets...I enjoy them too, but I mean, he really has to see them!  Here is our sunrise.
Dave was much more impressed with the sunset.  Notice the rain streaks off in the distance.
Yeah, we really enjoyed the sunset!

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