Badlands, South Dakota

Lady Slipper Orchid, Mackinaw Island

Lupine growing in Olympic National Park, Washington

Sunset over Pacific Ocean-Olympic National Park, Wasington

Dave's Backpacker magazine shot, South Dakota
Dave and I just bought our tickets to Orlando, FL for the first week in March! Last February, we went to Florida to explore the east coast and down to Key West. Although, I was a self proclaimed Florida hater (it seemed like such a "typical" vacation spot!), I can admit when I am wrong. So, here it is...are you listening Dave??? I WAS WRONG. :) This year we are setting out to explore the west coast and with any luck make it back down to Key West. It's amazing how a little sunshine and warmth in the winter time can change your attitude! So, as we start to plan this vacation and as I long for our next to the Grand Canyon, I started to look through some old pictures and want to share some of my favorites from our past adventures. More are on Dave's computer, so stay tuned!