Monday, October 26, 2009

Tarantulas and Bats Part 2

Dave and I did several tours at Carlsbad Caverns NP intermingled with hiking in Guadalupe Mountains NP. The first tour we did was through Slaughter Canyon Cave. Slaughter Canyon Cave is in the National Park but has a separate entrance 23 miles south of the Natural Entrance/Visitor Center. The entrance is a slightly strenuous hike (especially if you read the directions wrong and are therefore running up the side of the canyon!). The entrance is kept locked as this is strictly a ranger led adventure. Slaughter Canyon Cave is typically referred to as a wild cave. There are no paved walkways or electricity to guide it's visitor's through. We made our way through by headlamps, flashlights, and slippery foot steps. However, before leaving on our tour, our ranger guides "warned" us that some believe this cave is not nearly as impressive as the rest of the cave system in the park and could simply be described as a "dirty 'ol bat cave". We all know what we thought afterward, but you can decide for yourself....

Christmas Tree
(imagine much more sparkly in person!)

The Klansman (or what Dave and I call Orc!!)

Chinese Wall (rimstone dam)

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