Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I'm Listening To

Another trip back in time for me.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Guadalupe Peak

There were several cute little wildflowers on our way up to Guadalupe Peak. I believe this one may be called Indian Paintbrush... or something related to a paintbrush! I also saw several types of small yellow flowers, and a purple flower that I assumed was some sort of verbena.

At the top of Texas: Guadalupe Peak/ 8, 749 feet, marked by a monument recognizing overland stage and air travel.

View of El Capitan from Guadalupe Peak

Hiking along one of many switch backs that this day hike has to offer. The trail from Pine Springs campground to Guadalupe Peak and back is 8.4 miles. We were able to do this in 5 1/2 hours, although it can take 6-8 hours.

Texas madrone.
We saw several of these beautiful red berried trees on this hike and the McKittrick Canyon hike (stay tuned...).

Beautiful blue-ish colored agaves mixed with little bluestem.

Unknown oak.
Apparently there are several species of oaks in the area and some can be hard to distinguish. One of the amazing aspects of this hike is that it takes you through your dry desert landscape with prickly pears and agaves, but with a little elevation and a turn of a corner, you see oaks, maples, and pine trees... plants that remind you of home!

Just another awesome view of what used to be an ancient marine reef.

I love you too, Prickly Pear cactus!

They aren't kidding when they say one gallon of water per person, per day! This hike is labeled as difficult...even more so as it teases you with false summits. But, it is a beautiful hike and the view at the top is well worth it. Just make sure you don't dehydrate yourself before you get up there!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

White Sands National Monument

The quietness of White Sands NM is impossible to describe. It was a silence I wish I could experience more often! Amazing!

There are some persistent plants that grow in these gypsum sand dunes! Some plants like the soap tree yucca have adapted to grow faster in order to "beat" the sand dune. Some plants like the cottonwood tree barely keep leaves peaking above the dunes, but they are still very much alive. Plants like this shrub above have formed a tight grip onto the sand with their root systems. As the sand dune moves, it leaves the plant sitting on it's own pedestal!

I was excited to see some Little Bluestem growing in the gypsum!

Wind+ gypsum sand= pretty cool sand art!

At the visitor center you can buy/rent sleds to take a ride down the dunes! You "buy" the sled, but if you return it, they'll give you $5 back. I think I would like winter a lot better if it snowed sand and was 80 degrees out!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Tarantulas and Bats Part 2

Dave and I did several tours at Carlsbad Caverns NP intermingled with hiking in Guadalupe Mountains NP. The first tour we did was through Slaughter Canyon Cave. Slaughter Canyon Cave is in the National Park but has a separate entrance 23 miles south of the Natural Entrance/Visitor Center. The entrance is a slightly strenuous hike (especially if you read the directions wrong and are therefore running up the side of the canyon!). The entrance is kept locked as this is strictly a ranger led adventure. Slaughter Canyon Cave is typically referred to as a wild cave. There are no paved walkways or electricity to guide it's visitor's through. We made our way through by headlamps, flashlights, and slippery foot steps. However, before leaving on our tour, our ranger guides "warned" us that some believe this cave is not nearly as impressive as the rest of the cave system in the park and could simply be described as a "dirty 'ol bat cave". We all know what we thought afterward, but you can decide for yourself....

Christmas Tree
(imagine much more sparkly in person!)

The Klansman (or what Dave and I call Orc!!)

Chinese Wall (rimstone dam)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tarantulas and bats

Dave and I just returned from our "No Man's Land 2009" trip. In other words we just returned from west Texas and New Mexico visiting White Sands National Monument, driving through Lincoln National Forest and spending the majority of our adventure in Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We always come back from these adventures with lots of stories and this trip is no exception! Stay tuned for some of our favorites.... Set in the Chihuahuan Desert, these places are like none I have seen yet. Open, yes, desolate....not a chance!

What I'm listening to:

This album is a bit nostalgic for me. I first heard of Kris in 2003 just after I graduated college and was living and working at a nature preserve in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It reminds me of coffee house concerts, kindred spirits, small apartments, bill organizers, adventures and broken hearts.